Grounded on transnationally identified needs of female potential leaders. The offer will be embodied in specific Technical Curricula developed taking into account the different needs and constraints of female potential leaders. The Curricula will support non-discriminatory pathways for potential leaders in non-playing leading roles and professions relevant for Sport bodies and organizations: Communication Manager, Administrative Manager and Accounting Manager. Local testing of the Curricula in specific training programmes will extract feedback and input for its integration at all levels of the Sport sector.
Developed on the individualised curricula specifically targeted at female potential leaders learning needs. The Training Formats will be devised in beginner, intermediate and advanced levels enabling the female potential leaders who will take part in the programmes to go through a step-by-step learning and training process.
Enabling processes of counselling whereby female potential leaders in the process of transition from active sport competing life to a managing/governance positions in sport institutions would be supported through psychological assistance and mentoring by former female sport activist who were able to be fully integrated in sport leading positions.